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Acetone oxime CAS127-06-0

Acetone oxime CAS127-06-0

Acetone oxime CAS127-06-0

Alias Acetone Oxime

Specifications 25kg/1kg/200kg

Packaging Depends on product properties, generally: cardboard drums or galvanized iron drums

Grade Pharmaceutical Grade

Product English name acetoneoxime

Purity 99%

Molecular formula See product details

Chinese name: acetone oxime

English name: acetoneoxime

CAS Number: 127-06-0

Product Category: Nitrogen-containing compounds

Appearance and properties: white crystal

Density: 0.901?g/mL?at25?°C(lit.)

Boiling point: 135°C(lit.)

Melting point: 60-63°C(lit.)

Flash point: 60°C

Refractive index: 1.4118 (75oC)

Water solubility: 330g/L (20oC)

Storage conditions: The warehouse is ventilated and dry at low temperature, and stored separately from oxidants and acids

